- You can donate directly to individual braveheart's account (upto max of ₹ 25 lakhs onwards 10-10-2023) or may donate to the Bharat Ke Veer corpus.
- To ensure maximum coverage, a cap of ₹ 25 lakhs onwards 10-10-2023 is envisaged per braveheart and the donor would be alerted if the amount exceeds ₹ 25 lakhs onwards 10-10-2023, so that they can choose to either decrease their contribution or divert part of the contribution to another bravehearts account, or to the Bharat Ke Veer corpus.
- Bharat Ke Veer corpus would be managed by a commitee made up of eminent persons of repute and senior government officials, in equal number, who would decide to disburse the fund equitably to the bravehearts family on need basis.
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